Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Nik rants about: LEFT DROWNING by Jessica Park

I am perfectly aware that this post SHOULD be all about my review for this amazing book by Jessica Park. But... Since this is my blog and you can't do anything, (Please, I am not threatening you to stop reading because eventually we'll both make it to the official review maybe by the end of this post LOL. Or if you don't really care click here and it'll take you directly to my official review. Haha!) I'm gonna do some story-telling first  (I love me some story-telling! Who doesn't?!) about how lucky I am to have an eARC of this lovely, lovely book.

WARNING: I might tear your ears off and leave you breathless reading this just like what I did to Jess when I "talked" to her through email.

So... I liked Jess's FB page waaaay before after reading FOM. Because why not? She's one of my favorite authors by then. I was at work on June 6 browsing her page. And no, I didn't get busted. Thank God, Facebook isn't blocked! Yay! So this is what I saw on her page:
And my reaction was something like "ohmygod is this for fucking real?!". But of course I didn't say that aloud because hello? I'm at work and my colleagues may have been scandalized. Haha. Or maybe I did say that aloud unconsciously and they all thought I was just working with some kickass data set? I am not so sure. LOL. But then the words started to sink in. Words like 'HARDCORE REVIEWERS'. Fuck me. I do have a book blog but it's a newborn, infant, maybe a fetus blog and I am not a hardcore reviewer because as much as I want to live in a literal book world where I can do nothing but to read and write reviews, I can't. I have a life where I get up every fucking weekday at 6:00 AM to go to work at 8:00 AM and be at home at 7:00 PM. (But hey! I am not complaining because the said job supports my bibliophilia! Haha).

Another set of discouraging words for me were 'THAT TELLS ME YOU REVIEW REGULARLY'.  Double fuck me. My happy bubble was completely deflated in a matter of seconds. Anyhow, I still sent her an e-mail with ZERO hope that she'll give me an ARC or least, reply to my message. This is how my e-mail went:

You see? I don't know why she even read that. LOL. But after ten minutes, she fucking replied! HOLY COW! Jessica replied! HOLY COW! Jessica replied! HOLY COW! Jessica replied! HOLY CO.... Okay enough. So yeah, here's her reply:

Finally, living in the Philippines doesn't feel like living in another world. Well at least in that moment. Hooray! And did she mention fangirly? Am I fangirly? I might have said in my e-mail that I was trying to lick Matty's butt (if you don't know who Matty is, WHY THE HELL NOT?!!! *glares*) but that doesn't mean I am fan-girling right? Right? Oh... that counts as fangirly huh? Okay, now that I think about it... it's actually borderline obsessive fan-girling.

We exchanged some more e-mails before I finally stop wasting her precious time and when I thought she's already convulsing over my lack of use of punctuation marks like this one that you feel like you're out of breath reading this and on the verge of choking while thinking why does this stupid girl talk write so much it's sickening. HAH! Breathe, people, breathe. *wink*

And that's how I got my eARC of Left Drowning. And I lived happily ever after. Ooops, scratch that line. Jessica is one of the sweetest author that I've come across with. I feel like that was the luckiest day of my bookworm life. I spent hours clicking on Rafflecopter shit hoping to win ARCs of books that I want to read but I never win. NOT EVEN ONCE. Honestly, I have no luck, as in zero luck, when it comes to giveaways or contests. But I still join them. Who knows, maybe someday, luck will finally knock on my freaking open door. LOL

Now I know you're all sick and tired of this nonsense. Yes, please believe me when I say I know that because I really do. That's why I'm shutting up right now and will give you my thoughts about this wonderful book. ;)

Click me! >> LEFT DROWNING REVIEW << Click me!

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