Monday, September 16, 2013

Sy reviews: OENONE by Agatha Rae



Evelyn Dax is in love with her boss, Jeff Richards has an enemy and has been feeling a little cold lately, and Laura and Bruce Levinson have health problems.

What does that all have to do with one Greek Nymph?

Find out in this 303 page fantasy that reads like an independent film.

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First of all, I'm not really too big on supernatural stories. I did think though that this book was very promising to begin with so I still went for it.

I really wanted to like this story but it just fell short for me. First, I think there were too many side stories going on. I understand that each story was essential to the overall plot of the book but then again, it was just too much. Second, there were parts in the book that in my humble opinion wasn't really that important to be added in there. Third, I got confused in the beginning when I didn't know whose POV was narrating, only to realize it was narrated not by the characters in the book.

What I liked about the book was that it revolved about publishing and editorial. As a reader, I've always been a fan of anything book-related so getting an inside story about what goes on in publishing books and editing and all that stuff has fascinated me and grabbed my attention. So now I have a new dream job, an editor. Hehehe. I also liked Laura and Bruce's characters. Their love was so pure and beautiful and for a moment there I really felt their pain. On the other hand, I think Jeff and Evy's story could've been more. I think their love story had potential but again it just fell short.

In my younger years, Mythology has always fascinated me and I liked that this book had that. I also appreciate that this book taught a very good lesson about love, friendship, honesty and most importantly, patience.


For me, these two songs have that supernatural vibe in it.




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